Travelrest - The Ultimate Inflatable Travel Pillow * World's Best
Selling Travel Pillow * (direct from the manufacturer) For Airplanes,
Cars, Buses, Trains, Wheelchairs & More Reviews
Travelrest - The Ultimate Inflatable Travel Pillow * World's Best Selling Travel Pillow * (direct from the manufacturer) For Airplanes, Cars, Buses, Trains, Wheelchairs & More Reviews
- Inflates in as little as two breaths, deflates in seconds. Supports your whole upper body!
- Multiple Ways To Use: Wear like a Messenger Bag, or Attach to Headrest or Seatback. Rolls Up Small for Storage
- Great for kids & adults - easy to shift from left to right side
- Works in planes, trains, buses, automobiles, airport terminals, wheelchairs
- Luxurious Velour and Memory Foam Cover Available as an option
WALL STREET JOURNAL "It makes 11 hours in a 17-inch-wide seat more bearable"
BOSTON GLOBE "a nice way to nap" "it lived up to its name"
USA TODAY "just begs you to snuggle up and take a nap"
SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER "Best Travel Pillows" "two thumbs up"
MSNBC "size-wise or price-wise, small is beautiful" "offers a different approach to airborne slumber"
VAGABLOND "My new travel BFF" " I could just kiss (the inventor) for designing this snazzy little guy"
List Price: $ 39.95
Price: $ 26.95
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