Trigger Your Home Based Business to Success with a Good Home Office

Trigger Your Home Based Business to Success with a Good Home Office

Seldom do we come across someone starting a home-based business at the spur of the moment. A decision such as this is often made after much thought and deliberation. You are probably no exception. Once you have made this decision, you owe it to yourself to set up a good home office with good working conditions that will inspire and motivate you to spend a few hours within and put in your best effort. A good home office and good working conditions are a necessity so that your work does not get interrupted, your documents remain safe and you remain focused on your job.

Location, Location:

When you are in the look out for a property, location gets top priority. Similarly the location of your home office too should be given top priority. Unlike in a spacious house with several rooms, a small house or flat can be tricky, especially if you have customers coming in to see you, or you need to have discussions with business colleagues. A room in the front portion of the house with windows overlooking beautiful scenery will be the ideal set up. Though this is the ideal, this does not preclude you from setting up a good and pleasant home office within your means, in a part of a living room, basement, attic, garage or any free space to start with.

Ventilation and Fresh Air:

This aspect of fresh air and ventilation is ignored or overlooked more often when a home office is set up in a rather small house or flat. I t is important that provision is made for the supply or flow of fresh air into your work place. Working long hours in a stuffy room can lead to nausea, headache and a depressed feeling due to lack of fresh air. This will result in a drop in efficiency and the success of your home-based business will be in jeopardy.


To create a good working environment, considerable thought has to be given to choosing the proper colors for the walls. Psychologists consider that color can influence your mood and the amount of time you would like to spend in your workplace. Dark colors make you tense and irritable. On the other hand light pastel shades such as yellow, blue and green are considered warm, soothing and reassuring. Furthermore these colors inspire and encourage you to spend more working hours in your home office.

Furniture, Equipment and Fixtures:

It is essential that your home office is equipped with the basic furniture and fixtures necessary for the successful operation of your home-based business. Items that you will require are a table, two chairs, a telephone, filing cabinet, computer, printer and scanner, table lamp, trays and book-case. A good comfortable chair should take pride of place since you have to spend several hours a day working in your office.Excessive expenditure is unwise at the start and can be detrimental. If you do not have much money to equip your home office, it will be wise to shop around for good second hand furniture and equipment and cut down your initial costs.


Natural lighting is the best way of illuminating your office during the day time. If that is not possible, alternate arrangements have to be made.
More often than not your home office is a new creation within the confines of your home and the chances are that the lighting there-in will be inadequate.
Your home office has to be properly illuminated, especially your place of work. Bad lighting can lead to health problems such as headache, eye strain and fatigue.

Tax Benefits:

All entrepreneurs working from home are entitled to tax benefits when you set up your home office.

You can claim running expenses for the space and the time it is utilized as a home office. Deductions can also be made for a proportion of telephone expenses, light, power, cleaning and maintenance. In addition to the above you can claim as a home based business entrepreneur a proportion of the occupying expenses in connection of the whole house.

The advice of an tax professional will be helpful to learn more of the tax benefits that you are entitled to.


The number of hours you put in within the confines of your home office is to a great extent going to determine the success of your home based business. The sooner you set the trigger by organizing a good home office that will inspire you to work many hours the better are your chances of success.

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