Snap-N-Store DVD Storage Boxes, 15.5 x 5.5 x 7.625 Inches, Black, 2
Boxes per Pack (SNS01618)
Snap-N-Store DVD Storage Boxes, 15.5 x 5.5 x 7.625 Inches, Black, 2 Boxes per Pack (SNS01618)
- Two boxes included, each can hold 26 DVDs
- Leather-like PVC laminate
- Functional chrome accents
- Chrome card holder for labeling
Snap-N-Store collapsible storage products offer tasteful storage solutions that fit with most any home or office décor. With elegant chrome accents and sharp high-gloss or leather-like embossed finishes, this range is so attractive that you can keep them right out in the open. Snap-N-Store DVD Cases store up to 52 DVDs in full-size DVD cases. Two boxes are included, and each can hold 26 DVDs. These stylish boxes provide desktop or archival DVD storage that looks fantastic. Leather-like PVC lami
List Price: $ 16.99
Price: $ 12.99
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