What You Need For Your Home Bar
Home bars are one amendment to your house that you've got to convince your wife to let you make. Chances are she's actually on board with such a thing. Yes, you will have to spend a bit of cash on getting a fair amount of new bar equipment, but once in place there is no real further investment needed. Even twenty years down the line, you can say that yours is a "vintage" bar from the early part of the century.
One of the problems with entertaining guests is often a problem of where to congregate. If you've got a home bar then I can already tell you where the party is going to be centered around. That's right. People love to drink once night falls. And then they love to mingle and be social and drink more. Before you know it, all your neighbors will be spreading the word of mouth that your parties are the best. After all, without a bar what can anyone else have on you? Nothing, in my opinion. That is why it is such a great addendum onto your house. I can't even tell you how fun it will be.
Now, what kind of bar equipment might you need? There is an obvious use for a sink, but that is more part of the hardware of the thing. A counter top or two are especially integral. After that, I usually suggest some neon signs, at least for the younger crowd. You might as well put up some advertisements for Budweiser or Beck's. Create an atmosphere that is simply cool. I'd also think about installing a dimming light system. You don't want to be hanging out at midnight under a blazing fluorescent light. It's really all about mood.
Another good thing to do is check out others' home bars. Here is where you can really start to get some great ideas. Pretty soon everything will be coming together for your parties. Even your wife will be impressed if you've put the whole thing together yourself, at least to the extent possible.